Mara Maretti (PhD) is Associate Professor in Sociology and Social Research Methodology at G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara where she is the Coordinator of the Computational Social Research Lab (Department of Law and Social Sciences). Her research activities are dedicated to theanalysis of new technologies as drivers of social change. They range fromsocial policy, social inclusion, sustainable development, energy poverty and ingeneral the social aspect of energy transition. In the last years, she concentrated her research activities on social data science methodologies with applications to theanalysis of social phenomenon in digital space (hate speech, public opinion polarization, open government and open data, computation propaganda, online community of practices, online conspiracy).
Lara Fontanella is Associate Professor in Statistics at G. D’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara. Her research activities are devoted to the analysis of complex data and multivariate processes with temporal, spatial and spatio-temporal structures. The focus is mainly on Bayesian factor models for continuous and categorical variables with applications to environmental, social and economic phenomena. Further research interests are on shape analysis and dimensionality reduction techniques.
Ongoing research is dedicated to Text Mining, Probabilistic Topic Models, Sentiment analysis and Statistical learning for Knowledge Graphs.
Simone Di Zio is an Associate Professor in Social Statistics at the G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, where he teaches forensic statistics and social and criminological statistics in the Department of Legal and Social Sciences. He is a member of the Italian Statistical Society, joint chair of the Italian node of the Millennium Project, a member of the editorial board of the Technological Forecasting & Social Change journal, and also a member of the Foresight Europe Network. He has published more than forty scientific papers, on subjects such as spatial statistics, IRT models, and methods for convergence of opinions, with application to terrorism, energy, pollution, and tourism. He has expert knowledge of geographic information systems (GIS) and fractal geometry. In the field of data management he develops models for the analysis of data originating from trajectories of moving objects, recorded by mobile GPS devices (trajectory data mining).
Giampiero Di Plinio is a tenured Professor of Institutions of Public Law and a former Director of the PhD programme in Legal Studies at the G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara. He is a Commissioner for National Scientific Qualification (ASN, Constitutional Law sector 12C1). He is a member of the board of directors of the G. d’Annunzio University, and a coordinator of the committee for the implementation and enforcement at the university of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ( the GDPR). His research has concentrated principally on constitutional law, especially public economic law, and environmental law. Certain of his books (e.g. Diritto pubblico dell’ambiente, Utet; Diritto pubblico dell’economia, Giuffrè) have been adopted as set texts or recommended texts at various universities in Italy and in other countries.
Annarita Ricci (PhD) is an Associate Professor of Private Law and Internet Law at the G. d’Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara. Her research interests are centred mainly on personal data protection, security of information, the protection of minors (or, more generally, weak parties in ICT networks) digitalisation of services, and electronic commerce. She has participated in numerous interdisciplinary projects, both national and international, on those topics. She is a member of the executive board of the Italian Academy of Internet Code, and is the author of several works on the subject of protection of personal data, electronic signatures, and IT contracts. She is also a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Diritto, mercato e tecnologia. Having trained since 2004 as a lawyer, she has developed a professional knowledge of these subjects.

Guido Capanna Piscè holds a PhD in Sociology of Communication and Performing Arts. He is Adjuct Professor of DISCUI Dept. at the University of Urbino ” Carlo Bo”. He is the supervisor of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in the protected area of Torre del Cerrano. He is a registered journalist and he is the director for the magazine Brezza di Mare. He is a business trainer and consultant.
Thea Rossi (PhD) is an anthropologist and research fellow at University“G.d’Annunzio” of Chieti – Pescara, Department of Law and Social Sciences. Her recent research interests also include digital ethnography.

Antonello Canzano is associate professor of Political Sociology at “G. d’Annunzio “of Chieti-Pescara. His research activities concern the analysis of the evolution of the Latin American political systems belonging to the Andean Community. The analysis particularly includes the evolution of systemic units in relation to the degree of legitimization and institutionalization and the overall performance of representative institutions in their own environment, especially in terms of inclusion and participation.
A further field of investigation concerns the comparative analysis of the populist phenomenon among some European and Latin American realities in relation mainly to the structuring of the consensus and organizational changes of the party units. In relation to the aims of the laboratory, he worked on the organization of training and research activities in the areas of national and regional election observatories and in the field of cyber security in relation to the activities of protection of critical infrastructures.

Vanessa Russo is Research fellow in Computational Social Research Laboratory in the Department of Law and Social Science at the Università G. d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara. She completed her is PhD in “Social Science: Theories Applications and Interventions” at the same University. Her research fields are: Computational Sociology; Data Mining; Text mining; Theories and techniques of social network analysis applied to the Web; Digital Ethnography and subculture online; Misleading information in online propaganda networks; Welfare informational and empirical applications to the study of tecnocivism and civic hacking.

Alice Tontodimamma is a Postdoc Research Fellow at the “G. d’Annunzio” University, Chieti-Pescara. She has a PhD in Business and Behavioral Science. Her research interests focus on statistical techniques for the automatic detection of online misogyny.

Emiliano del Gobbo is Research Fellow at the Department of Economics, Management and Territory, University of Foggia. He have PhD in Business and Behavioural Sciences. His research interests are on Machine Learning, Predictive Learning, Time Series, Social Analytics, Probabilistic Topic Models, Sentiment Analysis and Hate Speech detection.

My main research fields are Differential Geometry and Artificial Intelligence. I have been working on Artificial Intelligence since January 28, 2016, when the software AlphaGo first appeared in the journal Nature. As a mathematician, I could immediately appreciate the immense potential of the techniques used in the development of AlphaGo, and began to study neural networks and Reinforcement Learning in depth. Since then I have taught Artificial Intelligence courses at PhD level, and I have published 9 papers on international peer-reviewed journals, and one technical report to be submitted for publication.
I am co-author of the software “SAI: a Sensible Artificial Intelligence”. In Artificial Intelligence, my main research interests are Reinforcement Learning and Deep Learning applied to game theory, biology, computational law and social sciences.
My collaboration network involves more than 20 different national and international co-authors from a wide range of research fields.
I am a member of the board in the Italian national PhD on Artificial Intelligence, see
I am part of the board of “Mathematics for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning”, a group supported by “Unione Matematica Italiana” dedicated to applications of mathematics to Artificial Intelligence.
I am responsible for the section “Deep and Reinforcement Learning” in the laboratory “Computational Logic and Artificial Intelligence” of the Department of Economic Studies at University of Chieti-Pescara.
I am responsible for the Artificial Intelligence task in the FISR 2021 project “A.I.A.CO. – Artificial Intelligence for contract law Against Covid-19”, University of Chieti-Pescara, funded by the Italian government.
In 2018, I have been principal investigator in the research project called “SAI: a Sensible Artificial Intelligence winning Weiqi games with arbitrary komi”, funded by the Chinese government.
I am deeply convinced that Artificial Intelligence will mark our (very) near future, and for this reason I am dedicated to the dissemination of its basic principles and techniques. At University of Chieti-Pescara I teach three courses on this topic: Artificial Intelligence for Finance, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Neural Networks.